FINANCE CLERK X10(Various Provinces)

HIRING DEPARTMENT: Department of Defense.

Also note that for Government Vacancies, you will need to fill the Z83 form.


REF NO: CFO 22/6/4
Monetary Management Division
Boss Directorate: Accounting
Directorate: Personnel Payments (Final Payment)

COMPENSATION : R176 310 for every annum (Level 05)

Focus : Pretoria

Prerequisites : Minimum necessities: Grade 12 endorsement with Finance/Accounting related
subjects. PC Literate (MS Office bundles). Advanced verbal and
composed relational abilities. Extremely principled and spurred towards creating
powerful and right work and holding back nothing climate. Capacity to
successfully capability as a feature of a group, open to business related ideas/thoughts,
definitive/enduring with respect to task finish and ready to work successfully
under tension. Added advantage: Post Matric capability in Finance/Accounting
related field. At least one year important experience. Being in the belonging
of substantial RSA/Military drivers. Information on the estimation and handling of
compensations and stipends, last installments when people leave their work, enlistment
of record and reports, information catching on monetary and pay frameworks.

OBLIGATIONS : Execution of the endorsed bookkeeping processes connected with installments of advantages,
pass on tip and allocate reward because of DOD work force that leave DOD, pay rates and
recompenses to DOD work force unavailable. Executing of the consistent
cooperation and correspondence with bosses, the board of self-control,
information catching on DOD bookkeeping and pay frameworks, organization of DOD
installments records and related archives. Aiding the coordination and execution
of authoritative related assignments.

INQUIRIES : Mr J.G. Lottering Tel No: (012) 392 2417
APPLICATIONS : Applications should be submitted to: Financial Management Division, DFSS, Career
The executives Section, Private Bag X 137,Pretoria, 0001 or applications might be
hand-conveyed to: Department of Defense, Poynton building, 195 Bosman Street,
Pretoria where it should be put in wooden post box 5 at Reception.

NOTE: (Please
use reference number not post number). Preference will be given to African, White , Indian, Indian
, Colored and Persons with Disabilities are urged to apply.

LAST DATE : 22 July 2022 at 16:00.


REF NO: CFO 22/5/10
Finance Management Division
Boss Directorate: Budget Management, SA Army Infantry Formation, Budget
The executives Office
Re-promoted, candidates who beforehand apply compelling reason need to re-apply

COMPENSATION : R176 310 for every annum (Level 05)
FOCUS : Pretoria

PREREQUISITES : Minimum necessities: Grade 12 endorsement with Finance/Accounting related
subjects. PC proficient (Microsoft bundle). Capacity to comprehend and decipher
fundamental monetary approach. Thinking, numerical and critical ability to think also
as being dependable, fair and faithful. Great verbal and composed correspondence
abilities and ready to gather fundamental reports and measurements. Capacity to work successfully
as a feature of a group, open to business related idea/thoughts, definitive/continuing on
according to task finish and ready to work under tension really.

ADDED ADVANTAGE: Post Matric qualifications in Finance/Accounting related field. A
least of one year significant experience. Being in the ownership of legitimate
RSA/Military drivers permit. Essential information on Financial Policy and PFMA,
spending plan process as well as the essential monetary capabilities in the Public Service/
Confidential Sector.

OBLIGATIONS : Assist in keeping up with consumption data, verifiable data and measurements
for the Budget Management (BM). Help with setting up an assortment of
monetary/monetary reports and insights as well as deal with a compelling interior
vault approaching/active correspondence and keep a filling framework for BM.
Gather/convey financial plan related documentation from and to different divisions, directorates and segments. Help the board as to general
regulatory capabilities at the workplace of the BM. Plan and assemble monetary and
use control documentation, for example use diagrams, consumption reports,
month to month monetary reports, Financial Authority (FA) archives and inspiration.
Keep a register of asset redistributions and FA application as well as refreshing the
data set on the Financial Management System (FMS). Aid the course of
getting ready month to month Early Warning Reports (Ewr’s). Aid the drafting and
conclusion of Reconciliation Statements. Aid the administration of the strategies
furthermore, writing material necessities of the BM and accept roll call of all faculty under
control of the BM.

INQUIRIES : Ms T.M. Sekgobela Tel No (012) 355 1238.
APPLICATIONS : Applications should be submitted to: Financial Management Division, DFSS, Career
The executives Section, Private Bag X137, Pretoria, 0001 or applications might be
hand-conveyed to: Department of Defense, Poynton building, 195 Bosman Street,
Pretoria where it should be put in wooden post box number 5 at Reception. Note:
Kindly use reference number not post number.

NOTE : Preference will be given to African, White, Indian, Indian, Colored and Persons with Disabilities are urged to apply.
LAST DATE : 22 July 2022 at 16:00


REF NO: CFO 22/5/11
Re-promoted, candidates who beforehand apply compelling reason need to re-apply
EARN : R176 310 for every annum (Level 05)

FOCUS : Finance Management Division, Chief Directorate Financial Services, Directorate
Monetary Control Services, Loss Administration Section, Pretoria.

NECESSITIES : Minimum prerequisites: Grade 12 authentication with Finance/Accounting related
subjects. PC Literate (MS Office bundles). Advanced verbal and
composed relational abilities with the capacity to aggregate powerful, essential reports and
insights. Capacity to really work as a feature of an enormous group, to successfully
speak with clients from different Arms of Services, various divisions, bases
furthermore, units. Capable and ready to convey committed and cordial client administration,
Persisting errand conclusion with great relational relationship and capable and
able to work in a common workplace (office) with different authorities of equivalent
or on the other hand more senior position. Capable and able to start self-improvement through in-
post preparing and participation of formal courses. Group laborer, dependable, solid
also, responsive to business related ideas and thoughts. Compelling ability to think.
Capacity to accurately decipher and really apply monetary arrangement and related
prescripts. Capacity to comprehend and accurately decipher misfortune reports and review
answer put together by clients.

ADDED ADVANTAGE: Post matric capability in
Finance/Accounting related field. At least one year important experience. A
substantial DOD/RSA vehicle driver’s permit. Fundamental information on the cycles and
system that are continued in the organization of misfortunes in the Public
Administration/Private Sector would act as areas of strength for a. Essential information
of Financial Policy and the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA).

OBLIGATIONS : Assist the Finance Clerk Supervisor (FCS) and Senior State Accountant (SSA) in
guaranteeing all regulatory undertakings is executed and concludes by the deadlines.
Keeping up with the inner Registry and guaranteeing that all approaching and active
correspondence, archives and records are successfully enrolled, directed and documented.
Checking and assessing of misfortune reports, the dismissal of invalid reports and reference
thereof to the areas concerned. Right allotment of records reference numbers and
the opening and up-keeping of isolated records for every misfortune report case as well as
the refreshing of the Excel information base. Deal with a compelling forthcoming framework and
persistently report to FCS and SSA on the particular deadlines. Normal ordering
what’s more, submitting of all records and documentation in a perfect, mathematical and proficient

INQUIRIES : Ms M.L. Mabasa Tel No: 012 392 2564
APPLICATIONS : Applications should be submitted to: Financial Management Division, DFSS, Career
The board Section, Private Bag X 137,Pretoria, 0001 or applications might be
hand-conveyed to: Department of Defense, Poynton building, 195 Bosman Street, toria where it should be put in wooden post box 5 at Reception.

Note: (Please
use reference number not post number). Preference will be given to African , White , Indian, Indian, Colored and Persons with Disabilities are urged to apply.

LAST DATE : 22 July 2022 at 16:00.

Monetary Management Division
Directorate: Stores, Services and Related Payments (DSSRP)
Finance Accounting Service Center

EARN : R176 310 for every annum (Level 05)


FASC Durban Ref No: CFO 21/6/7A (X2 Posts)
FASC Garrison Ref No: CFO 21/6/7B (X2 Posts)

NECESSITIES : Minimum prerequisites: Grade 12 authentication with Finance/Accounting related
subjects. PC educated in MS Office programming bundles (Word, Excel and
PowerPoint). Capacity in getting it, deciphering and accurately applying monetary
strategies and prescripts. Capacity to liaise and speak with clients actually.
Conclusive and continuing on concerning task finish. Ready to be isolates to
Satellite Offices across geological limits. Ready to work with cash (as
clerk), in Rand and Foreign money. Able to help with general managerial
works and chronicling/recording/protection of all bookkeeping documentation.

ADDED ADVANTAGE: Post Matric capability in Finance/Accounting. At least one year
important experience. A substantial RSA/Military driver’s permit. Fundamental information on
monetary and bookkeeping processes. Fundamental information on agreement the executives and
production network the board cycle. Sound information on the Public Finance
The board Act and Treasury Regulations as well as information on Financial
The board Systems or other monetary frameworks.

OBLIGATIONS : Strictly apply approaches, solutions and guideline. Performing of clerk obligations by
paying out of loans. Receipt of State monies in to the paymaster General
Account (PMG). Get cash from client and check or rightness as far as the
reason for the installment. Issue an authority receipt. Exact allotment of Revenue.
Ideal arrangement and catching of stores on FMS and safely dispatching of
stores to the bank. Supervision and giving of Face Value Documents (FVD).
Filing of Accounting reports, Safekeeping of installment and other bookkeeping
documentation for review purposes. Use the Financial Management System (FMS)
to consistently record all bookkeeping exchanges and do enquiries, overseeing of
claims on the focal Advance System and catching of all connected bookkeeping
exchanges on FMS. Affirmation of Telkom accounts and helping with general
organization and bookkeeping capabilities at the FASC. Investigate, check, register
furthermore, couple clinical and provider solicitations for installment.

INQUIRIES : Ms D.A. McCOSH Tel No: (012) 392 2893/2892
APPLICATIONS : Applications should be submitted to: Financial Management Division, DFSS, Career
The board Section, Private Bag X 137,Pretoria, 0001 or applications might be
hand-conveyed to: Department of Defense, Poynton building, 195 Bosman Street,
Pretoria where it should be set in wooden post box 5 at Reception.

NOTE: Please
use reference number not post number.
Preference will be given to Gauteng Province (African guys, Indian females,
Indian guys and Colored guys), KwaZulu-Natal (Africans guys, Indian guys
also, Indian females) and Persons with inability to all regions.
LAST DATE : 22 July 2022 at 16:00.


REF NO: CFO 22/6/8
Finance Management Division
Boss Directorate: Financial Services
Directorate: Finance Support Services, Specialized Finance Services,
Organization Support
COMPENSATION : R176 310 for every annum
FOCUS : Pretoria

PREREQUISITES : Minimum necessities: Grade 12 authentication with Finance/Accounting related
subjects. PC proficient (MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint). Scientific reasoning
capacity and critical thinking abilities. Capacity to assemble successful reports, letters
notices, minutes and measurements. Great relational abilities (verbal and
composed). Cooperation, yet additionally ready to autonomously work. Dependable, solid
with great relational relations. Open to business related ideas/thoughts and
unequivocal/persisting in regard of undertaking finish. Ready to deal with routine assignments of
tedious nature. Should have the option to get a classified exceptional status inside a

ADDED ADVANTAGE: Post Matric capability in Finance/Accounting related
field. At least one year applicable involvement with the obtainment climate
(request and supply). Information and comprehension of PFMA, Treasury
Guidelines, National Treasury practice notes on production network processes.Being in
the ownership of legitimate RSA/Military drivers.

OBLIGATIONS : Provide inventory network works and administrations inside the obtainment climate.
Deal with the insignificant money framework for the directorate. Arrange/submit the executives
reports. Get, register and regulate new requests/demand from clients.
Keep an obtainment register. Help with checking and confirming of things got
furthermore, things gave to and from clients. Guarantee that resources are labeled and caught
in the Asset Register. Guarantee that all exchanges are accommodated not later than the
recommended period. Guarantee that Receipt Vouchers (Rv’s) are printed. Help the
buying official at whatever point expected with obtainment for the Division. Use the
Monetary Management System (FMS) to confirm accessibility of assets and the
rightness of series before a negligible money exchange is submitted for endorsement to
the acquirement official, spending plan holder and the spending plan director. Guarantee the
successful, proficient, financial and the executives of all assets heavily influenced by
this post.

INQUIRIES : Mr L.S. Khotle Tel No: (012) 392 2557.
APPLICATIONS : Applications should be submitted to: Financial Management Division, DFSS, Career
The executives Section, Private Bag X137, Pretoria, 0001 or applications might be
hand-conveyed to: Department of Defense, Poynton building, 195 Bosman Street,
Pretoria where it should be put in wooden post box number 5 at Reception.

If it’s not too much trouble, use reference number not post number.Preference will be given to African , White , Indian
, Colored and Persons with Disabilities are urged to apply.

LAST DATE : 22 July 2022 at 16:00.


REF NO: CFO 22/6/9
Monetary Management Division
Boss Directorate: Budget Management Chief Corporate Staff, Military Police FMO
EARN : R176 310 for every annum (Level 05)

FOCUS : Pretoria

NECESSITIES : Grade 12 endorsement with finance/bookkeeping related subjects. Information on
PC educated and talented in Word, Spreadsheet, (Excel) and PowerPoint. Capacity
to decipher and apply strategy accurately. Advanced verbal and composed
relational abilities, sound numerical and critical thinking skill. Group
specialist, dependable, solid with great relational relations. Responsive to work-
related ideas or thoughts and conclusive/continuing on iro task finish.


Post Matric capability in Finance/bookkeeping. At least one year
significant involvement with the pertinent field. Substantial driver’s permit and able to travel
without prior warning when required. Information on spending plan consumption and spending plan
control. Information on the Public Finance Management Act and Treasury

OBLIGATIONS : Keeping roll-hit Register modern. Recording of reports got and the
conveyance of reports to Sub-Divisions falling under Corporate Staff Budget
Director. Aid the catching of financial plan and use control reports too
as catching of Financial Authorities (FA) in the framework. Answer office phones.
Aid the readiness of all resources for all finance authorities under CCSFMO.

ENQUIRIES : Mrs M.K. Esterhuysen Tel No: (012) 355 5164

APPLICATIONS : Applications should be submitted to: Financial Management Division, DFSS, Career
The board Section, Privet Bag X 137,Pretoria, 0001 or applications might be
hand-conveyed to: Department of Defense, Poynton building, 195 Bosman Street,
Pretoria where it should be set in wooden post box 5 at Reception.

NOTE: Please
use reference number not post number. Preference will be given to African guys, White guys, Indian guys, Indian
females, Colored guys and Persons with Disabilities are urged to apply.
Last DATE : 22 July 2022 at 16:00.

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