Earn R4800 For SETA Learnerships In All Provinces

Applications for the SETA Learnerships 2024 can be submitted online.

Wage: R4800.00 per month

Location : All Provinces

Do you not have a job job? If you have a friend, please let them know that we have forty SETA Learnership providers that are willing to assist young people with learnerships for the years 2024 and 2025.

All of these Learnership providers have been granted accreditation by various SETAS. When you consider where you live, the stipend might be rather generous.

During the application process for some of these learnerships, you might be required to complete an online assessment before being accepted.

As a prerequisite

1. To begin, a document of identification (ID)
2. Curriculum Vitae (often abbreviated as CV)
3. Highest educational attainment (Grades 9, 10, 11, and 12 or higher)
04. Documentation of your address

05. Information Regarding your banking
06. Certified Copies.
07. A medical certificate (in the event that you are incapacitated)

Learnerships Overview:

01. Information Technology (IT)
02. Healthcare & Nursing
03. Engineering & Construction
04. Finance & Accounting
05. Retail & Hospitality

Learnerships can be found a variety of places across South Africa, including on campuses and online.

When you apply for each of the learnerships that we have listed here, please keep this in mind.

Ensure that your documents are both certified and up to date wherever possible.

Best of luck! 👇🏾🤗👇🏾

Click below to Apply


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