Process Controller Gr 1 x2


Process Controller Gr 1 x2

Ref Nr: 114282

Shutting date: 26 October 2022

Process Controller Gr 1 x2

Organization Number:



Energy Activities

Specialty Unit:

Research and Technology


Sasolburg, Free State

Applicants will be delegated at their degree of capability and capabilities in the vocation way in like manner for this position.

Short Portrayal/Reason for Work

A Process Artisan/Process Controller works process/lab gear, frameworks and processes for a particular plant/unit to accomplish dependable and precise exploratory outcomes in a protected way.

Work Necessities


Public Senior Testament with English, Arithmetic and Physical Science as subjects SG/HG or N3 identical to Grade 12
NQF level 3
Driver’s permit


Least of 2 to 5 years’ involvement with the creation climate
R&T estimated abilities and skill will be seen as an advantage

Enlistment Depiction/Key Accountabilities

Partakes in shift handover gatherings through compelling plant review, risk ID, recording of deformities/deviations (log book) and answering to relevant job players.

Gives satisfactory criticism to Lab Directors/Foreman and additionally Technologist on work progress.
Partakes in underlying driver examinations and gives criticism to Underlying driver Investigation (RCA) groups.
Takes part in risk evaluations as per regulation and company necessities to further develop security.

Keeps up with great housekeeping and sticks to garbage removal methods.
Work Freely and do examining according to plan.
Perform required routine examination as a component of the plant/unit tasks as required.

Comprehend and know the business, drivers and KPIs/goals.
Quality confirmation of the item and adherence to all security guidelines and endorsed work principles.
Conducts IMS reviews to keep up with and further develop plant supportability.

Joins in and connects in PDAs and RCAs to further develop plant security and soundness.
Give and get criticism to different disciplines in everyday affirmation gatherings
Take part and gives input in “tool compartment talks” to further develop plant security.
Distinguish consistent improvement open doors in own workspace to further develop rehearses or potentially gear.

Making hardware ok for investigation or upkeep exercises
Performing reserve liabilities as required
Revealing of close to misses, occurrences and mishaps when it works out.
Take part in pre-task risk evaluations (recognize the dangers in the workspace).

Affirm required confirmation is given successful key unfortunate occasion consistence.
Recording basic plant boundaries on important log sheets.
Perform shift cover obligations
Support and experience the Sasol vision and values.

Add to positive and useful camaraderie in the group.
Construct organizations and connections to build information on cross practical regions. Comprehend and address partner necessities and guarantee standard criticism.

Effectively foster positive working relations with associates and clients/partners.
Actually imparts across all disciplines, verbally and electronically.
Gets a sense of ownership with movement (accommodation of Arrangement of proof, and so on) fully backed up by the Foreman/boss.


Business Administration:
Shows business intuition, a worldwide mentality and activities savvy instinct.
Accomplishes results through others and considers them responsible.

Association Initiative:
Convinces and impacts partners; fabricates connections and organizations for shared benefit results.
Fabricates groups and makes cooperative energies through working across limits.

Project Coordination:
Information and involvement in Venture Coordination in arranging, sorting out, and overseeing errands and assets to achieve an objective this incorporate a managerial, contact and backing job that upholds at least one tasks.
Typically utilized during more modest non-capital activities.

Takes responsibility for driving own development through creating mindfulness, reflecting, looking for criticism and self-amending

Well informed:
Information on the Data Technology Industry including patterns, arising technology, best practices, rivalry, guidelines, and regulation.


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