x23 Job Opportunities at Hollywood Bets (Min. Requirements None)


Expected set of responsibilities
Hollywoodbets has energizing open doors accessible for VIP (Security) Officers (X3) to be based at the Team Support Office in Umhlanga, Durban. Celebrity (Security) Officers are liable for establishing and keeping a protected climate for individuals. This might incorporate getting premises by checking reconnaissance gear or by watching exercises. The VIP (Security) Officers expected to forestall misfortune and burglary and report any inconsistencies or dubious demonstrations.

Least Requirements:

Grade C.
PC Literate.
1 – long term’s Security experience.
Enlisted with PSIRA (Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority).


Legitimate driver’s permit.


Celebrity (Security) Officer should be available 15 minutes before the Branch opens.
Branch Manager or Senior Team pioneer will open the Branch within the sight of the VIP (Security) Officer.
Celebrity (Security) Officer need to guarantee they direct an edge watch before the Branch opens.
Celebrity (Security) Officer need to check in the vicinity for any dubious developments before the Branch is opened.
Celebrity (Security) Officer should be very careful and alert consistently of their encompasses before the opening and shutting of the Branch.
Celebrity (Security) Officer needs to direct a story walk once the Branch is open, to see everything is organization.
Celebrity (Security) Officer must substantial all perception checks are finished before the Branch Manager or Senior Team Leader go on with their day to day checks.
During opening and shutting, one VIP (Security) Officer should be situated away from the entry, noticing their associate and checking for expected risk.
Watching ought to incorporate inside and outside the Branch entrance, back regions and all stopping regions.
Guarantee each of the two-way radios are completely energized during shift change and hand over gear assessment.
Charge the batteries short-term so they are useable from the very outset of your shift.
Guarantee all emergency signal and two-way radios are in great working circumstances and keep securely.
Celebrity (Security) Officer should convey their emergency signals, two-way radios and earpieces to guarantee open correspondence and straightforward entry in case of a crisis.
The VIP (Security) Officer that is presented on the looking through zone should utilize the scanner to look through all visitor entering the Branch including colleagues.
Guarantee at the looking through zone the Branch entryway or the door is constantly kept close.
Celebrity (Security) Officer are not permitted to cross orientation examine visitor entering the Branch.
Male visitor should be filtered by just male VIP (Security) Officer, female visitor to be examined by just female VIP (Security) Officer.
Celebrity (Security) Officer should guarantee to look through female packs with a stick. Male visitor isn’t permitted to get their packs.
Celebrity (Security) Officer is to coordinate traffic on our premises and guarantee the free progression of people walking through and to control the quantity of vehicles entering and leaving the structure.
End of day shutting strategy, VIP (Security) Officer should limit passage by sliding close one way to guarantee security of limiting high gamble.
Celebrity (Security) Officer should go to Branch meeting when informed by the Branch Manager to join in.
Celebrity (Security) Officer should help while getting stock, doing alert test and submitting of day to day report each day by 10:00am.

Visitor Service:

Initial feelings last – VIP (Security) Officer are at the front of Hollywood.
Celebrity (Security) Officer are the principal experience with the visitor.
Guarantee to establish the connection by hello the Guest with “Great day, welcome to Hollywood”
Guarantee to give great visitor administration by being well disposed, accommodating, amiable and polite consistently.
Favorable to effectively address visitor protests and guarantee visitor criticism is conveyed obviously in a successful and positive way.
Make a visitor driven culture inside the Branch and drive the way of thinking of “administration happily” consistently.
Guarantee to approaching our visitor with deference and have the great demeanor consistently.
At the point when Guest are leaving the Branch VIP (Security) Officer to wish the visitor great night or great evening and request that they come back once more.


Celebrity (Security) Officer should guarantee they are wearing full Amadoda garbs with their name identifications before the start of their shift. (Dark shoes, dark socks and white vet as it were).
Check all people entering the premises including colleagues.
Be attentive of visitor leaving the Branch, recognize assuming they entered the Branch with something you saw and are leaving without that article.
No sacks are permitted inside the premises.
No Weapons or Guns are permitted into the premises (besides on an authority cop).
No individual younger than 18 is permitted into the premises.
On the off chance that you are managing a troublesome client, contact your partners and press the signal for an emergency response before the circumstance raises crazy.
In Branches with no alcohol permit, no liquor is permitted anywhere nearby.
Credit wagers are not permitted to be taken by any colleague.
Celebrity (Security) Officers working are not permit to take wagers with Amadoda uniform.
Celebrity (Security) Officers working are not permitted to use the Limited compensation out machine.

General set of rules:

While on the job you won’t sit or relax, utilize your PDA or eat.
No smoking working.
You won’t report for obligation affected by liquor.
You won’t leave your post. This could prompt disciplinary activity against you.
You are not permitted to rest on the job. This will prompt disciplinary activity against you.
You won’t have easygoing discussions with companions or other colleagues while at your post.
You won’t acknowledge tips from the visitor.


Effectively advance the Hollywood qualities.
Experience the qualities and lead as an illustration to the group.


Celebrity (Security) Officer should report their non-appearance to the Branch Manager or Senior Team Leader 2 hours before their shift starts.
Should have the option to work in a pivoting movement or work adaptable hours.
Guarantee your actual wellness is gotten consistently in accordance with the gig necessities.


Great correspondence and Interpersonal abilities.
Noteworthy preparation, authoritative and time usage abilities.
Great business astuteness and high moral work norms.
Capacity to perform various tasks and demonstrate enthusiasm consistently.
Capacity to luckily work under tension despite everything produce great quality outcomes.

Kindly be prompted that main candidates who meet the specified least prerequisites will be thought of.

Closing date is the 1st of July 2022.

2. Customer Service Consultant x10

Expected set of responsibilities
Hollywoodbets have energizing open doors for X 10 Customer Service Consultant (Digital) to be based at our Team Support Office in Umhlanga. Liable for the generally speaking consistent client care insight and guaranteeing that questions and grievances are managed luckily and proficiently on all Digital client association stages.

Least Requirements:

Readiness to do move and end of the week work.
At least a half year’s client support experience ideally on Digital stages.

Key Responsibilities:

Colleagues log something like 15 minutes before the startup of a shift.
Addresses questions on wagering and special data – gives forward-thinking bet data to account holders. Answer client questions in regards to issues with their records.
Markets the brand, assembles and lays out compatibility with the client.
Meet everyday/week by week/month to month targets.
guarantees quick input is given to the client, Information is accumulated from the Punter and the framework and this is raised to the Supervisor for resolve and criticism if essential.
Consent to organization and office arrangements, systems and standard working methodology.
Guarantee interchanges is at a level that keeps up with the organization brand/picture and doesn’t open the organization to reputational risk.
Whatever other impromptu obligations that may be required.


Remarkable Written Communication and Strong order of the English language.
Shows uncommon tender loving care.
Tough People Management abilities and critical thinking abilities.

Kindly note that main up-and-comers who meet the specified least necessities will be thought of

Closing date is the 28th of June 2022.

3. Betting Clerks x8

Expected set of responsibilities
Hollywoodbets has invigorating open doors accessible for x8 Betting Clerks to be based at our different Branches, Parow, Waterkant, Somerset West, Vasco, Woodstock, and Montague Gardens inside the Western Cape Region. The position will be liable execute consistent wagers from clients and assist with payouts.


1-2 years in Gaming Industry.


Branch Growth

Guarantee wagering loads up are refreshed fortuitously.
Be learned on all wagering rules, chances and pay-outs.
Colleagues should be educated on affirmation limits and consistently call the BSC and Events Office prior to laying a bet over the cutoff.
Colleagues are to alert Team Leader/Manager when enormous wagers are made.
Deals Administration

Oversee cash inside the branch as indicated by characterized processes/methodology and limit gambles, burglary/misrepresentation.
Colleagues are to be aware of arising endeavors to dupe the organization.

Cash Management

Ensure precise cash record at start to end of shift.
In-between time actually takes a look at should be finished inside the course of the day with the group chief on the job.
Guarantee that all money deficiencies are managed right away, deficiencies under R250.00, should be repaid into the Hollywood requiring around the same time by the colleague.
Guarantee that all deficiencies and overs are proclaimed to the group chief working and accurately recorded on the recon.

Branch Appearance

Guarantee that the branch is dependably flawless and clean as per Hollywood principles.
Guarantee that your workstation is very much kept up with and in great working condition.
Consent to all techniques to forestall misfortunes to the organization, exhorting your branch/Senior Team
Pioneers speedily of any issues/glitch with the terminals/gear/assets (for example Television show of results, disconnected).

Client assistance

Guarantee to give great client assistance by being well disposed, accommodating, amiable, and gracious consistently.
Proactively address client grumblings and guarantee that clients are given positive input.
Assemble solid associations with customary clients.
Make a client driven culture inside the branch and drive the way of thinking of “administration cheerfully” consistently.


Consistence and adherence to the organization’s inner control approaches.
Consistence with the implicit set of principles and heighten deceitful exercises.
Colleagues to guarantee they are wearing their right Hollywood uniform when working.
No Credit wagers are accepted to be executed on behalf of colleagues.
While on the job and wearing working unforms, you are not allowed to make wagers.
Colleagues are permitted to accept wagers as clients when they are off the clock and not in their Hollywood garbs.
Ensure colleagues adhere to company terms and conditions.


Effectively advance Hollywood qualities.
Experience and perform work efficiently, and will expected to perform certain leadership skills.

Abilities and Competencies

Shows a decent comprehension of wagering systems.
Grasp the different wagering types.
Oversee pay and pay-outs by following the organization approaches, practices, and systems.
Show worry for all parts of the job.
Keep up with liability regarding undertakings and can recognize inconsistencies.

If it’s not too much trouble, note that main colleagues who meet the specified least prerequisites will be thought of.

The closing date for this post was not mentioned.

4. Sculler x2

Set of working responsibilities
Hollywoodbets have energizing open doors accessible for X2 Sculler to be situated in Bunny Bar Branch, Springfield Park. The effective occupant will be liable for keeping up with neatness and deliberateness in the kitchen region of an eatery or food business. Clean dishes, kitchen, food planning hardware, or utensils.

Least prerequisites:

Housekeeping/Scullery experience.


Answerable for keeping up with tidiness and efficiency in the kitchen climate.
Able to perform housekeep for dishes, utensils, or cooking material in regions.
Keep up with kitchen workspaces, gear, or utensils in spotless and systematic condition.
Wipes worktables, walls, coolers, and meat blocks, thaws out coolers and tidies up chilly rooms.
Answerable for clearing and cleaning floors.
Consistantly keep trash bins neat &and washed.
Answerable for isolating and expulsion of rubbish and trash to be put in assigned holders.

Abilities and skills:

Great correspondence and relational abilities.
Amazing client support abilities.
Shows an elevated degree of honesty, dependability, and unwavering quality.
Should have areas of strength for an of responsibility.

If it’s not too much trouble, be prompted that main up-and-comers who meet the specified least necessities will be thought of.

Kindly be prompted that would it be advisable for you not be reached in somewhere around 30 days, compassionately believe your application to be fruitless.

Closing date is not mentioned by the company.

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