Compensation :
R124 434 for every annum (Level 03)


    • Ref No: LIM 35/2022 (X3 Posts)
  • Modimolle VSS
    • Ref No: LIM 36/2022 (X6 Posts)
  • Tzaneen VSS
    • Ref No: LIM 37/2022 (X3 Posts)
  • Musina VSS
    • Ref No: LIM 38/2022 (X6 Posts)
  • Seshego VSS
    • Ref No: LIM 39/2022 (X12 Posts)
  • Provincial Amourers
    • Ref No: LIM 40/2022 (X4 Posts)
  • Provincial SCM
    • Ref No: LIM 41/2022 (X3 Posts)
  • Polokwane SAPS Garage
    • Ref No: LIM 42/2022 (X6 Posts)
  • Provincial Magistrate
    • Ref No: LIM 43/2022 (X7 Posts)

Prerequisites :

Candidates should show capability in the post-explicit center elements of the post;
Be familiar with somewhere around two of the authority dialects, of which one should be English;
Be a South African Citizen; Should have no past lawbreaker/ departmental convictions or criminal/departmental cases forthcoming;

Candidates will be exposed to a reviewing interaction which will incorporate security screening and unique finger impression confirmation;
Be in control of a Senior Certificate (Grade 12) or National Certificate (Professional) recorded on the National Learner Record
Information base on NQF level 4;

Enrollment with the Private Security Industry
Regulatory Authority (PSIRA);
Be in control of essentially a Grade C security certificate or higher;
Not proclaimed ill suited to have a gun;
Go through gun capability training;
Keep up with gun capability;

Should have no lawbreaker record or forthcoming crook/departmental
Degree/Diplomain the field of security will be an additional benefit;
Significant courses in the field of the post as well as substantial driver’s permit for essentially a light engine vehicle will act as a benefit; work moves and broadened hours.

Obligations :

Execute Access Control as far as the Control of Admittance to Public Premises and Vehicles Act (Act No. 53 of 1985);
Positive distinguishing proof of representatives, guests and contactors at the security passageway;
Enlisting of representatives, guests and workers for hire, electronic looking of representatives, guests and workers for hire;

Approve passage in to the premises to representatives, guests and
workers for hire in the wake of consenting to every one of the administrative prerequisites, affirm visits with the hosts and guarantee escort in accordance with the prescripts;
Issue confirmation control cards to guests and get them back;
Keep the fundamental guest’s register;

Actually take a look at providers, articles and items, where fundamental, before they
are permitted to be brought into the premises to guarantee that the wellbeing of the premises won’t be compromised;
Watch structures and fenced-off regions;

Monitor vehicles and hardware in the field – Just according to a security perspective;
Check all security hardware and offices and make a move, when fundamental;
Carry any inadequacies or issues with respect to security matters to the consideration of senior security work force.


Inquiries can be coordinated to the accompanying individuals :
Lt Colonel Kobe
PPO Nemaguvhuni
PPO Manoko
PO Kola
PO Mphela
Tel No: (015) 290 6094/6024/6026/6131


Compensation :
R104 073 for every annum (Level 02)

Locations :

  • Matlerekeng SAPS
    • Ref No: LIM 25/22 (X1 Post)
  • Mokopane SAPS
    • Ref No: LIM 26/22 (X1 Post)
  • Mphephu SAPS
    • Ref No: LIM 27/22 (X1 Post)
  • Masisi SAPS
    • Ref No: LIM 28/22 (X1 Post)
  • Mutale SAPS
    • Ref No: LIM 29/22 (X1 Post)
  • Bulgerivier SAPS
    • Ref No: LIM 30/22 (X1 Post)
  • Rankin’s Pass
    • SAPS Ref No: LIM 31/22 (X1 Post)
  • Vaalwater SAPS
    • Ref No: LIM 32/22 (X1 Post)
  • Dorsert SAPS
    • Ref No: LIM 33/22 (X1 Post)
  • Provincial Magistrate
    • Ref No: LIM 34/22 (X1 Post)

Prerequisites :

Candidates should show capability in the post-explicit center elements of the post;
Be able to communicate in English and a local langauge.
Be a South African Citizen;
Have no Criminal Record
Candidates will be exposed to a verifying interaction which will incorporate security screening and unique finger impression confirmation;

A Grade 10 is an advantage;
Fundamental proficiency, numeracy and relational abilities;
Have the option to peruse and compose;
The capacity to work rudimentary machines and hardware;
Ready to work broadened hours, when fundamental.

Obligations :

Keeping up with of an elevated degree of cleanliness in and around the working environment with the cleaning of the SAPS premises relegated to, which might incorporate either or both internal and external boundaries;
Performing undertakings of a standard sort, for example, cleaning;
Clean furnishings and floors. Vacuum covers and cleaning of tile floor;

Eliminate decline;
Perform support undertakings in and around the doled out
Clean washrooms and kitchens;
Supervision and treatment of different Guides in the cleaning of the reason;
Stacking and dumping of merchandise.
Garden support administrations;
Washing and cleaning of state vehicles, kitchenware and utensils.


Inquiries can be coordinated to the accompanying individuals :
Lt Colonel Kobe
PPO Nemaguvhuni
PPO Manoko
PO Kola
PO Mphela
Tel No: (015) 290 6094/6024/6026/6131



Applications may be hand-delivered to the following:

Hand Delivery: 3rd Floor Office:
315 and 316 44 Schoeman Street Land Bank Building, Polokwane.

Applications must be posted to:

Provincial Head: Human
Resource Management and Development, South African Police Service,
Limpopo Province, Private Bag X9428, Polokwane, 0700
CLOSING DATE : 25 November 2022 at 16:00


Just the authority application structure (accessible on the SAPS site www.saps.gov.za/professions and at SAPS Stations will be acknowledged. The Z83 recently used will at this point not be acknowledged. All directions on the application structure should be complied with.

Inability to do so may bring about the dismissal of the application.
The post points of interest and reference number of the post should be accurately determined on the application structure.
A far reaching Educational program Vitae should be submitted along with the application structure.

Short-recorded candidates
will be expected to deliver unique documentation.
Capabilities and driver’s licenses submitted will be exposed to confirmation checking with the significant establishments.
The South African Police Service will confirm the private location
of candidates and direct reference checks. Arrangements will be made as far as the Public Service Act, 1994 (Act No 103 OF 1994) as appropriate to the post climate.

Applications should be sent/submitted fortuitously.
Late applications won’t be acknowledged or thought of.
On the off chance that an up-and-comer is short-recorded, it will be required from him/her to go through an individual meeting as well as a
down to earth evaluation.
Short-recorded possibility for arrangement to certain
distinguished posts, will be screened with regards to the Criminal Regulation (Sexual Offenses and Related Matters) Correction Act, 2007 (Act No 32 of 2007) and the Youngsters’ Demonstration, 2005 (Act No 38 of 2005).

An up-and-comer, whose specifics show up in either the National Register for Sex Wrongdoers or Part B of the Youngster Security Register, will be precluded from the cycle.
The Criminal Regulation (Criminological Methodology) Alteration Act, Act 37 of 2013 expects that all new arrangements in the South African Police Service as from 31 January 2015
give a buccal (inside cheek) test to decide their criminological DNA profile.

The criminological DNA profile got from the example will be stacked to the Disposal Record of the National Scientific DNA Information base.
All short-recorded up-and-comers will be exposed to unique finger impression screening and reference checking.
People who resigned from the Public Service by taking a severance bundle, exiting the workforce or for clinical reasons are prohibited.

Correspondence will be directed with effective up-and-comers as it were. On the off chance that you have not been reached in somewhere around 90 days after the end date of this commercial, if it’s not too much trouble, acknowledge that
your application was ineffective.
The South African Police Service is under no commitment to fill a post after the commercial thereof.
The South African Police Service is an equivalent open door, governmental policy regarding minorities in society business and it is the expectation to advance representivity in the Public Service through the filling of
these posts.

People whose exchange/arrangement will advance representivity
will along these lines get inclination.
Outside Commercial of Posts for Arrangement Purposes As far as the Public Service Act, 1994 (Act No 103
Of 1994): 2022/2023 Monetary Year: Limpopo Territory


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