DRIVER(Grade 10 required)

The City of Tshwane has left on a drive to improve and extend admittance to medical care
administrations through the contracting of a driver mindful to drive the COVID-19 portable facility to
the various locales where screening, testing and inoculation will be led.

• Grade 10 or identical capability
• Pertinent involvement with regulatory help administration
• PC proficiency
• A substantial C1 or EC1 driving permit with a legitimate proficient driving grant (PrDP)
The driver will be capable to gather and drive the portable center to the assigned place where
Coronavirus screening, testing and immunization will be finished by the ward-based outreach group.
• Plan vehicle by leading administrator support
• Plan courses and prerequisites by concentrating on time or impromptu demands by the workplace
• Transport portable facility staff
o Ensure that the vehicle is roadworthy with respect to the permit, tires, and so forth
o Transport staff to and from workspaces as indicated by the boss’ requests
o Ensure the security of staff while on the way
o Transport faculty with various vehicles, like farm hauler and trailer, truck, vehicle and
• Direct upkeep of vehicle
o Conduct day to day upkeep of vehicle, for example, really looking at water, oil, brake liquid, and so on
o Check fuel level of vehicle toward the beginning of the day
o Maintain log sheets
o Report issues to the boss
o Conduct vehicle actually take a look at records week after week, month to month and yearly
• Keep vehicle spotless and clean
o Ensure that vehicle is washed consistently outside
o Ensure that the vehicle is cleaned consistently inside
• Play out some other undertakings as appointed
• Play out some other related errands or obligations that the business may sensibly coordinate the
occupant to act in compatibility of the essential objectives and targets of the part or
division and the office.

R16 116,58 every month

ENQUIRIES: NC Roberts (012 358 8644)
End DATE: 15 JULY 2022 AT 12:00

The driver will be contracted through a City of Tshwane contract.
People who meet the passing standards need to communicate their advantage by sending a brief
profile of themselves, and their experience and contact subtleties to Ms Nadine C Roberts at
[email protected].

Download below CATP Application Form (2021).pdf;

Download below CoT Standardised Application Form;

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