EARN: R211 713 for each annum
Focus :

  • Labor Center: Christiana Ref No: HR 4/4/11/04 (X1 Post)
  • Work Center: Rustenburg Ref No: HR 4/4/11/05 (X1 Post)
  • Work Center: Garankuwa Ref No: HR 4/4/4/07/05 (X2 Posts)

Necessities : Matriculation/Grade 12. No experience.


All Labor Legislations, also, Regulations, Private Employment Agency guidelines and related ILO
shows, Public Service Regulations, Public Service Act, Knowledge of all
Departmental Policies, Procedures and Guidelines, Batho Pele Principles.

Relational, Telephone manners, Interviewing, Computer education,
Correspondence, Ability to decipher regulation, Problem addressing.

Obligations :

Render administrations at help work area as the primary mark of section inside the Registration
Administrations. Render Employment Services to every one of the Clients who visit the Labor
Focus. Resolve all Unemployment Insurance advantages and Employer
announcements. Resolve all objections on all Labor Legislations got from
clients. Get application structure with regards to Compensation for Injuries and
Illnesses Act (COIDA) and Employer enrollment structures for COIDA.

INQUIRIES : Ms N Litheko Tel No: (018) 387 8100
Mr LP Ranwashe Tel No: 012 700 0290

Acting Chief Director: Provincial Operations: Private Bag X 2040, Mmabatho,
2735 Or hand conveyance to second Floor, Provident House, University Drive,
Chief Director: Provincial Operations: PO Box 4560, Johannesburg, 2001 or
hands convey at 77 de Korte Street, Braamfontein
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resource Management, Provincial Office: Gauteng


UI REF NO: HR 4/4/4/08/02
EARN : R211 713 for every annum
Focus : Gauteng Provincial Office yet positioned at Kempton Park L/C
Necessities : Grade 12/Senior Certificate or equivalent qualification. No experience required.

Information: National Archives Act, Batho Pele Principles, Record
The board, Departmental Policies and Procedures.

Abilities: Communication,
Tuning in, Computer education, Planning and Organizing.

Obligations : Maintain the filling framework according to the mandates of the chronicles and records the board prescripts, Sort and plan reports for removal processes
as in accordance with the important prescripts, perform regulatory obligations inside the
Area as required.

INQUIRIES : Ms J Ralane Tel No: (011) 975 9301
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Provincial Operations: PO Box 4560, Johannesburg, 2001 or Hand
convey at 77 De Korte Street, Braamfontein.
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Management, Provincial Office: Gauteng


REF NO: HR 4/4/8/44
EARN: R176 310 for every annum
Focus : Provincial Office: Northern Cape

Necessities :

Grade 12 with passed Commercial Subjects (Business Management,
Financial matters and Accounting) or with comparable Certificate. No experience

Information: Public Service Financial Management, Department
approaches and methods, Project the board, Intermediate Human
Assets Development, General administration, Strategic administration, Skills
Advancement Act, LRA and BCEA.

Abilities: Facilitation, Computer education,
Show, Innovative, Verbal and composed relational abilities, People The board.

Obligations : Provide booking administrations of vehicles in the Province. Achieve data to plan
installment for specialist organization. Get data on installment of fines.
Spread data to the applicable partner for example recently created
approaches, new demonstration relate transport and so on.

INQUIRIES : Mr TD Mhlophe Tel No: 053 838 1501
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Provincial Operations: Private Bag X 5012, Kimberley, 8301 or
hand convey at Cnr Compound and Pniel Road
FOR ATTENTION : Human Resources Operations, Provincial Office Kimberley


REF NO: HR 4/4/4/08/04
EARN : R124 434 for every annum
Focus Vereeniging Labor Center

Necessities : Standard 8/Grade 10.

Information: Cleaning Practices, Catering, Office

Abilities: Interpersonal relations, Verbal correspondence, Listening.

Obligations : Ensure a perfect office climate consistently. Give food administration’s guide.
Help with appropriating stock. Help with courier capability.

5. Client Service Officer: Registration Services X 2 Posts

EARN: R211 713 for each annum

Closing date for only this post is 22 August 2022


emaXesibeni Labor Center Eastern Cape-Ref No: HR4/4/1/88 (X1 post)

Richards Bay Labor Center-Ref No: HR4/4/5/50 (X1 post)

Necessities: Matriculation/Grade 12.

Information: All Labor Legislations and Regulations, Private Employment Agency guidelines and related ILO shows, Public Service Regulations, Public Service Act, Knowledge of the Departmental (Policies, Procedures and Guidelines), Batho Pele Principles.

Abilities: Interpersonal, Telephone manners, Interviewing, Computer Literacy, Communication, Ability to decipher regulation, Problem tackling.

Obligations: Render administrations at help work area as the primary mark of section inside the Registration Services. Render Employment Services to every one of the Clients who visit the Labor Center. Resolve all protests on all Labor Legislations got from Clients. Get all Unemployment Insurance Benefits for Injuries and Diseases Act (COIDA) and Employer enlistment structures for COIDA.

INQUIRIES: Mr M NtongaTel: 039 254 0282

Mr KI Ximba Tel: (035) 760 1614 Applications: Deputy Director: Labor Center Operations, Private Bag X 530 eMaXesibeni, 4735, Hand convey at No 52 Church Street emaXesibeni.

For Attention: Deputy Director: Labor Center Operations

Applications: Deputy Director: Labor Center Operations: Private Bag X 20033, EMPANGENI, 3880 or and convey at 11 Lira Rink Road, Richards Bay.

For Attention: Sub-directorate: Deputy Director: Labor Center Operations, Richards Bay.

INQUIRIES : Mr MT Mthimkhulu Tel No: 016 430 0000
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Provincial Operations: PO Box 4560, Johannesburg, 2001 or
hand convey at 77 De Korte Street, Braamfontein.
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Management, Provincial Office: Gauteng

DUE DATE : 26 August 2022 at 16:00 (Post 1 to 4)

Applications citing the important reference number should be
submitted on the new structure Z83, reachable from any Public Service
Division or on the web at

Every application for work structure should be completely finished,
appropriately marked and initialed by the candidate. Inability to completely finish, introductory and sign this structure might prompt exclusion of the application during the determination
process. A completely finished, initialed and marked new structure Z83 (Section A, B,
C and D necessary and (Section E, F and G overlook assuming CV joined) and
as of late refreshed thorough CV (with point by point past experience) is

Just shortlisted competitors will be expected to submit ensured duplicates
of capabilities and other related reports at the latest the day of the
interview following the correspondence from Human Resources and such
qualification(s) and other related document(s) will be in accordance with the
necessities of the advert. Unfamiliar capability should be joined by an
assessment report gave by the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA).
Candidates who don’t conform to the previously mentioned guidance/
prerequisites, as well as applications got late won’t be thought of.

Division doesn’t acknowledge applications through email or fax. Inability to present all
the mentioned records will bring about the application not being thought of.
Correspondence will be restricted to short-recorded competitors as it were. On the off chance that you have not
been reached inside eight two months after the end date of this
notice, if it’s not too much trouble, acknowledge that your application was fruitless. Appropriate
up-and-comers will be exposed to a work force reasonableness check (criminal record,
citizenship, credit record checks, capability confirmation and business

The Department saves the right not to make any
appointment(s) to the above post. A pre-passage testament got from National
School of Government (NSG) is expected for all SMS candidates. The course is
accessible at the NSG under the name Certificate for section into SMS and the full
subtleties can be gotten by following the underneath
link: class/sms-pre-entryprogramme/. All
shortlisted possibility for SMS presents will be oppressed on a specialized
capability practice that expects to test important specialized components of the gig,
the operations of which be imparted by the Department.

Following the
interview and specialized work out, the choice board will suggest
possibility to go to nonexclusive administrative skills utilizing the ordered
DPSA SMS skill appraisal devices. The fruitful applicant will be
expected to consent to an Internship execution arrangement.

The Department is an
equivalent open door governmental policy regarding minorities in society business. The Employment Equity Plan of
the Department will illuminate the work choice. It is the Department’s
aim to advance value (race, orientation and handicap) through the filling of
this post(s).


  1. this is a good website where everyone could get a job even though its not easy but u got to be patient in order to get your opportunity.

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